
Hamburgers & Sandwiches 1 ea Plain, Single hamburger-

2 1/2P, 2B

1 ea Single Hamburger with

Everything- 1 1/2FA, 2 1/2P, 2B, 20C

1 ea Big Bacon Classic-

1 1/2FA, 3 1/2P, 1/2V,

2 3/4B, 85C

1 ea Jr. Hamburger-

1 1/2P, 2B

1 ea Jr. Cheeseburger-

2P, 2B, 10C

1 ea Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger –

1 1/2FA, 2P, 1/2V, 2B, 60C

1 ea Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe-

1 1/2FA, 2P, 1/2V, 2B

1 ea Grilled Chicken-

2P, 1/2V, 2B

1 ea Breaded Chicken Sand.-

3FA, 2P, 1/2V, 2 1/2B

1 ea Chicken Club Sand.

3FA, 2P, 1/2V, 2 1/2B, 70C

FRENCH FRIES 1 ea Small french fries 2FA, 2B

1 ea Medium French Fries 3FA, 2B

1 ea Biggie French Fries –

3 1/2FA, 4B

BAKED POTATOS 1 ea Plain Baked Potato-3 3/4B

1 ea Bacon & Cheese Baked

Potato- 2FA, 3 3/4B, 130C 1 ea Broccoli & Cheese Baked

Potato- 2FA, 1V, 3 3/4B, 45C

1 ea Cheese Baked Potato-

2FA, 1P (hard cheese)

3 3/4B, 95C

1 ea Chilli & Cheese Baked Potato

2FA, 1 3/4P, 3 3/4B, 95C

1 ea Sour Cream & Chives Baked

Potato- 3 3/4B, 70C CHILLI 1 ea Small (8 oz) 2 1/2P (1 1/2

Beef, 1 bean), 1V 1 ea Large (12 oz) 3 3/4P(2 1/4

Beef, 1 1/2bean) CHICKEN NUGGETS 1 ea 6pc-3FA, 1 1/2P, 3/4B, 10C

1 ea Barbecue Sauce-1 packet-50C

1 ea Honey-1 packet-45C

1 ea Sweet N sour sauce-1 pk- 45C

1 ea Sweet Mustard Sauce-1pk- 50C

Fresh Salads to Go 1 ea Caesar side/no dressing

1P (hard cheese) 1V

1 ea Deluxe Side/no dressing

3/4P(hard cheese) 2V

1 ea Grilled Chicken Salad

No dressing-2 1/4P (1 1/2 Chicken 3/4 hard cheese) 2V 1 ea Side Salad w/o dressing

1/2P (hard cheese) 1V

1 ea Taco Salad w/o dressing-

3 1/2FA, 2 1/2P (1 beef, 1

Hard cheese, 1/2 bean) 2V, 2 3/4B

1 ea Soft Breadstick- 1 1/2B, 10C

SALAD DRESSINGS 1 tb Blue Cheese-2FA

1 tb Blue Cheese, reduced calorie

Reduced fat, 1FA 1 tb Celery Seed Dressing-

1 1/2 FA

1 tb French Dressing- 1 1/2FA

1 tb Sweet Red French Dressing-

1 1/2 FA

1 tb Fat Free French Dressing 20C

1 tb Italian Caesar Dressing 2FA

1 tb Golden Italian Dressing-1FA

1 tb Italian Reduced Calorie,

Reduced Fat dressing-1/2FA 1 tb Hidden Valley Ranch-1FA

1 tb Thousand Island 1 1/2 FA

Desserts 1 ea Frosty, sm-250C, Med-325C,

Large-390C (Continued to next message)

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