
1 1/2 c White Wine; Dry

1/2 c Sugar

1 T Lemon Juice

1 1/2 t Anise Seed

1/4 t Salt

1 ea Cinnamon Stick; Small

1/2 c Raisins; Golden Seedless

4 ea Purple Plums; Sliced

2 ea Nectarines, Sliced

In an enameled or stainless steel saucepan, combine the wine, sugar, lemon juice, anise seed, salt and sinnamon stick and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and cool to room temperature. Combine the raisins, plums, and peaches in a bowl and strain the cooled wine syrup over them. Cover and refrigerate for several hours, stirring occasionally. NOTE: This fruit cup can be served as a dessert also.

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