
1 c Wild rice, cooked

1 Apple, chopped

1 c Seedless grapes

1 c Chopped celery

2 tb Mayonnaise

1 tb Plain lowfat yogurt

2 tb Chopped dry roasted peanuts

Combine all ingredients except nuts in a bowl. Toss to mix. Cover and chill thoroughly, about 3 to 4 hours. Sprinkle the nuts on top just before serving. 1/4 recipe – 157 calories, 1 bread, 1/2 fruit, 1 fat exchange 20 grams

carbohydrate, 3 grams protein, 7 grams fat 138 mg sodium, 193 mg potassium, 4 mg cholesterol Source: Am. Diabetes Assoc. Holiday Cookbook by Betty Waldman, 1986 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier, Nov 93

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