
—–CHICKEN MIXTURE—– 2 tablespoons Butter

1 Bunch chopped scallions

1 medium Sweet yellow pepper chopped

10 milliliters Garlic — minced

4 Fresh jalapeno peppers

Seeded and chopped 1/2 teaspoon Fresh grated ginger

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Sage

1/2 teaspoon Cumin

1 1/2 Chicken breasts skinned

Boned and cut into pieces —–SAUCES—– 3 tablespoons Butter

1/4 cup Flour

1/2 cup Cream

2 cups Chicken broth

1 can corn — (17-oz)

1 Jar great northern — (3-lb)

Beans —–EXTRA SEASONINGS: OPTIONAL—– Cayenne pepper White pepper 1 Jar pickled — (11-oz)

Jalapeno peppers Grated Monterey jack cheese

CHICKEN MIXTURE: Melt butter in a 5 quart pan. Saute scallions, yellow pepper, garlic, fresh jalapenos, ginger, salt, sage and cumin. Add chicken and cook until just done. Do not overcook. Remove chicken from pan and set aside. SAUCE: Melt the 3 Tb butter in the same pan. When bubbling, add flour, and whisk briskly while adding cream. When smooth and thick, add chicken broth. Stir until blended. Stir in corn, beans, and chicken mixture and simmer 30 minutes. If desired, add 2 shakes cayenne pepper, 1 shake white pepper, and 4 ounces of pickled jalapenos with a little juice. Serve chili hot, topped with grated cheese and accompanied by corn bread.

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