

8 oz Tempeh — cut into 1″ cubes

1 1/2 c Onion — chopped

2 Garlic cloves — minced

1 3/4 c Vegetable broth, or more if

-needed 2 ts Fresh ginger root — minced

3 c Mushrooms — sliced

1 t Ground cumin

1 1/2 ts Chili powder

1/4 ts Ground cloves

2 c Navy beans — cooked

1 c Green bell pepper — chopped

1 c Red bell pepper — chopped

In large saucepan over medium heat, cook tempeh, onion and garlic in 1/2 cup vegetable broth, stirring occasionally, until onion is soft and liquid has evaporated, about 10 minutes. Mix in remaining 1 1/4 cup broth and remaining ingredients; simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Add additional broth as necessary. Serves 4. Per serving: 308 cal; 18 g prot; 4 g fat; 72 g carb; 0 chol; 52 mg sod; 10 g fiber; 12% of calories from fat

Nutritional information per serving: xx calories, x.x gm protein, xx mg cholesterol, xx gm carbohydrate, xx mg sodium, x.x gm fiber, x.x gm fat, x.x mg iron, xx mg calcium, xx% of calories from fat. Posted on GEnie Food & Wine RT Jun 17, 1994 by DEEANNE From the recipe files of Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, Internet sylvia.steiger@lunatic.com, moderator of GT Cookbook and PlanoNet Lowfat & Luscious echoes

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