
1 lb Beef marrow bones

2 qt ;Water

1 Onion; cubed 1/2″

1 Carrot; sliced

2 Celery ribs; w/leaves sliced

1 Turnip; peeled cubed 1/2″

8 Peppercorns, whole

2 Bay leaves

4 tb Parsley; fresh; chopped

4 tb Dill, fresh; chopped

3 lb Beef rump roast, boneless

1 1/2 ts Salt

2 Garlic clove; chopped

Place the peppercorns, bay leaves, parsley, and dill into a small cloth bag. Tie the bag closed. Put water, marrow bones,, the bag of spices, the vegetables, & salt into a large pot. Bring to a boil over high heat, skim the foam off as it occurs. Cook for 10 minutes at a boil, add the beef roast, boil for 3 minutes, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 3 1/2 hours. Be sure to skim occassionaly. Remove from heat, remove the roast from the pot, slice for serving. * NOTE: This is excellent with a honey-onion sauce. ORIGIN: Tantiana Shulenko, Slavutych-Ukraine, circa 1995 per Don Houston Fidonet COOKING echo

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