
1 pt Blueberries

1 pt Strawberries

1/4 c Sugar

3 T Minced Sweet Onion

1 T Blueberry Or Raspberry

-Vinegar Or Lemon Juice 1 t Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Hot Pepper Sauce; To Taste 1/4 c Sliced Or Slivered Almonds;

-Toasted Rinse the blueberries and strawberries, then dry on paper towels. Pick over the berries. Hull the strawberries and cut into quarters. In a bowl combine the blueberries, strawberries, sugar, onion, vinegar, pepper and hot pepper sauce. Mix well and refrigerate for at least one hour. Just before serving, stir in the almonds. Serve over fruit sorbet or as a condiment with poultry or pork. From The Food Column Of The Denver Post Magazine Section of 07-13-94 Posted by: Rich Harper

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