
3 c Red wine

3 ts Sugar

1 Piece lemon peel

1/2 Stick cinnamon

1 pn (small) ground cloves

From the Ries-Kartaeusertal area. These are essentially Carthusian Dumplings in a red wine sauce. For the dumplings: see Kartauserkloesse (Carthusian Dumplings – recipe separately For the sauce: Add the cinnamon and lemon peel to the red wine, and bring to a boil. Reduce the liquid by keeping it at a light boil for 20 minutes. Then remove the cinnamon and lemon peel. Season to taste with sugar, ground cloves and, if desired, a bit of lemon juice. Pour the sauce over the hot dumplings and serve as dessert. Serves 4. From: D’SCHWAEBISCH’ KUCHE’ by Aegidius Kolb and Leonhard Lidel, Allgaeuer Zeitungsverlag, Kempten. 1976. (Translation/Conversion: Karin Brewer) Posted by: Karin Brewer, Cooking Echo, 9/92

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