
1 cn Red kidney beans, drained.

(the mid-sized can) 1 cn Chick peas, drained. (same

Size) 2 cn Tomatos (larger sized

cn ..16_oz/_500_mL, I think) 1 Green pepper, chopped

1 lg Onion, diced

1 ea Garlic cloves to taste

2 To 3 cups frozen vegetables.

(I used corn) 1/2 To 1 cup grated ff cheese

(optional) 1 ea Cooked couscous or other

Grain of choice Combine all ingredients in large casserole dish, and bake in 400F oven for 45 mins.

You may add 1/2- 1 cup grated ff cheese the last ten minutes of cooking, but I don’t think it really needs it. Serve over couscous (or any other grain you like) It was rather liquid, next time, I think I will drain the tomatoes, reserving liquid, and adding until it “looks right” Source: improvised Posted by Cathybear <CLAR6341@MACH1.WLU.CA>to the Fatfree Digest [Volume 16 Issue 25] Mar. 29, 1995.

Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue Smith, SueSmith9@aol.com using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of Karen Mintzias, km@salata.com. 1.80?


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