
1 1/4 c Kidney beans

1 md Onion; chopped

2 Cl Garlic; crushed

1 1/4 c Carrots; chopped fine

1 1/4 c Green beans; chopped

1/2 c Combined red and green peppe

1/4 c Water

1/2 ts Chili powder

1/2 ts Cumin

1 15 oz can stewed tomatoes

1/4 c Tomato paste

Recipe by: Complete Taste Of Life Preparation Time: 0:15 Preheat oven at 350. Place onion, garlic, carrot, green beans, and peppers in a casserole

dish. Add water, chili powder, cumin, tomatoes, and tomato paste to mixture. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes. From: matejkrf@Picard.ml.wpafb.af.mil (Richard F. Matejka). Fatfree Digest [Volume 9 Issue 44] August 4, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV Amount

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