
1 lb Liver *

2 ea Onions, lg. thinly sliced

1 ea Egg

1/2 c Chicken stock

1/3 c Butter not margerine

1 t Salt

1/4 t Black pepper

2 ea Bread slices minus crust

Melt the butter in a skillet. Add the onions and fry until they are turning golden. At this point add the liver which has benn sliced into thin strips and cook for 10 minutes & remove form heat. Mix all of the ingredients with the onions and liver in a food processor. Chop in processor until a smooth textured mixture is achieved. Grease a 9″ baking dish and spoon the mixture into it. Bake for 45 minutes in a pre-hetaed 450 degree F oven. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature. Note: This mixture may be turned into metal molds for baking or into individual custard cups as well.

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