
22 oz Turkey Legs

3 tb Olive oil

2 Rosemary Twigs

2 Onions

Salt & Pepper to taste 4 Garlic cloves

1 Piece of Hot Pepper

1 cn Tomatoes,whole (16 oz)

15 Olives

8 oz Peeled Almonds

1 1/2 c White Wine

Cut meat in big pieces. Heat oil & brown meat all around.Add the onions, chopped garlic halved, rosemary and the pepper(cut in half and kernels taken out) and fry with the meat. Cut up tomatoes and add with the juice, olives and sliced almonds to the meat mix. Cover and simmer 1 1/4 hours, add wine and heat through once. Source:”Actuelle” magazine Typed for you by Brigitte Sealing, Cyberealm BBS 315-786-1120


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