
1 220 g can of tuna or skinned

-salmon 1/2 c Mayonnaise

1 Small, finely chopped onion

1 ts Curry powder

1 Loaf white sliced bread,

-crusts removed 1/2 c Butter, melted

1. combine the first 4 ingredients, mix well.

2. brush both sides of slices of the bread with melted butter.

3. spread tuna filling, roll up diagonally, secure with a toothpick,

sprinkle with paprika. bake at 200 degrees c for 10-15 minutes. TO MAKE COCONUT MILK soak 1 cup desiccated coconut in 1? cup warm water for 15 minutes. drain and squeeze all liquid from coconut. use light liquid, discard coconut yields about 1 cup. Gerry

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