
1/2 c Pineapple; diced

1/2 c Mango; diced

1/2 c Papaya; diced

1/2 c Onions, red, chopped

1/2 c Onions, red, chopped

1/2 c Beans, black; cooked

1 Jalapeno; minced

Mix all ingredients. Allow flavors to develop for at least 30 minutes. Recipe from Norman Van Aken, A Mano, Miami Beach Source: Orlando Sentinel, August 15th 1991 Posted on GEnie by COOKIE.LADY [Cookie], Dec 15, 1992 MM by Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator, net/node 004/005


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