
4 lg Ripe tomatoes

1/4 c Butter or margarine

1/2 c Grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 c Finely chopped parsley

1 T Dried oregano leaves

1. Wash tomatoes and pat dry. Cut tomatoes in half crosswise.

Place cut-side-up in a shallow, heat-resistant, non-metallic, baking dish. 2. Dot each tomato half with about 1/2 tablespoon butter.

3. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients. Top each

tomato half with some of the cheese mixture. Heat, uncovered, in Microwave Oven 5 to 6 minutes, or until tomatoes are soft and topping begins to melt. Do not overcook as tomatoes will become too soft. Serves 4 to 8 Variation: If desired, dry seasoned bread crumbs may be substituted for all or part of the Parmesan cheese.

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