
6 Tomatoes; ripe

Salt 1 md Green pepper; diced

1 sm Onion; chopped

1/4 c Butter; melted

1 c Rice;regular, cooked

1 Egg; well beaten

1/4 ts Oregano

1/4 ts Ground basil

1/2 ts Salt

1 c Cheddar cheese; shredded

4 sl Bacon; cooked and crumbled

Wash and cut tops off tomatoes; scoop out pulp. Sprinkle inside of tomato shells lightly with salt; invert to drain. Chop pulp. Saute green pepper and onion in melted butter. Add tomato pulp, rice, egg, and seasonings; mix well. Stir in cheese and bacon, saving a small amount of each to sprinkle on top of each tomato. Fill tomatoes with rice mixture. Sprinkle tops with reserved cheese and bacon. Place tomatoes in a greased shallow baking dish; add a small amount of water, and bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, sometime in 1974. Typed for you by Nancy Coleman.

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