
——————————-CANDIED FRUITS——————————- 1 lb Cherries

1 lb Pineapple

1 lb Citron peel

1/2 lb Orange peel

——————————–DRIED FRUITS——————————– 1 lb Figs

1 lb Pitted dates

1 lb Raisins

1 lb Currants or Golden Raisins

——————————–SHELLED NUTS——————————– 2 1/2 lb Pecans

1/4 lb Black Walnuts (or English)

—————————–OTHER INGREDIENTS—————————– 12 Eggs

1 lb Butter

3 1/2 c Flour (approx.)

2 c Granulated sugar

1 c Heavy molasses (sorghum,

– ribbon cane or blackstrap 1/2 ts Baking soda (dissolved in

– the molasses) —————————SPICES AND FLAVORINGS————————— 1 tb Cinnamon

1 ts Allspice

1/2 tb Cloves

1 tb Nutmeg

1 tb Vanilla extract

2/3 c Brandy or whiskey

Makes 8 – 8 inch loaves. Prepare fruits and nuts as desired. Beat eggs in mixer. Begin creaming the butter. While butter is creaming, add just enough flour to the fruits and nuts to give each a thin coating so it won’t stick to its neighbor. When the butter is properly creamed, add eggs, sugar, molasses and soda, spices, remaining flour, vanilla and brandy. Let mixer go to work on that. Scoop a depression in the top of the fruit-nut pile and pour the batter over it. Then mix and knead almost like you would knead bread. Pack into 8 (8″) well-buttered foil loaf pans which have been lined with foil or brown paper and buttered. Place in a 225 degree oven with a shallow pan of water below them. If the oven temperature is right, they should be done in 3 to 4 hours. After 1-1/2 hours watch them carefully, and if the edges begin to crisp before the to cracks in numerous breaks, turn the heat down and put in a fresh pan of cool water. When little cracks come across the tops of the cakes they are done. When cool, remove them from the pans. When cold dab whiskey or brandy liberally over the outside. Wrap each separately in wax paper, then in aluminum foil. Cover with newspaper and set away to age in a cool place. This aging takes about a month; the alcohol will have evaporated by then and have left only the bouquet and flavor.

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