
3 cn -TO

4 cn Coconut milk

–(the unsweetened kind) 3 tb Chopped scallions

1 ts -TO

3 ts Lemon grass

Cilantro (pref. fresh) * Tofu – cubed into smallish pieces Chicken – also cubed to bite size. Mushrooms 1 Carrot; grated

Juice from (8?) limes – I can never put in enough Serrano chillies -OR- other hot chili pepper, – preferably fresh, – but powdered will do) 1 ts Galanga powder

* (I sometimes leave this out. Niels says that’s defeating the whole point, but I think it still comes out great) Instructions: ============= Heat the coconut milk in a pot. Add everything else. As the lemon grass is inedible, put it in a tea ball and immerse the ball in the soup so you can retrieve it later. Cook until the chicken is done and the soup is hot (30 minutes?). Taste to see if it needs more limes (it always does) or more hot peppers (it’s better to start mild and build up to the desired level of spicyness). Posted by Tamar More based upon an ingredient list From: arielle@taronga.com (Stephanie da Silva)

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