
———————————SPICE MIX——————————— 1 ts Black pepper

1 ts White pepper

1 ts Red pepper flakes

4 ts Salt

4 ts Peppercorns

3 ts Dry mustard

1 tb Paprika

1 ts All-spice

——————————MAIN INGREDIENTS—————————— 2 1/2 lb Beef steak 3/4 ” thick

12 c Flat noodles

1 tb Vegetable oil

8 c Beef stock

4 c Onions chopped

32 oz Sour cream

-OR- 32 oz Plain yogurt

Mix the spices in a bowl and set aside. Place the meat on a cutting board and cut into 3/4″ chunks. Lay these chunks flat and sprinkle with the spice mixture. Cook the noodles and allow to remian ion the water. Take a large, heavy pot and place it on High heat for 3-4 minutes. Add 1 T of vegetable oil and then the onions. Saute’ until onions are turning transluscent. Add the meat and the remianing spice mixture. Stir and cook for approx. 4-6 minutes. Add the stock. Scrape the pot bottom for the crusts and mix them into the meat. Cook for 6 minutes more and reduece the heat to Medium-High and stir in the sifted flour. Stir and cook for 3 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cookf for 3 more minutes. Whisk in the sour cream and cook for 2-3 minutes. Drain the noodles, place a serving of noodles on each plate and sevre the meat mixture over the noodles.

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