
2 lb Chicken breasts *

1 lb Asparagus **

1/2 c Water

1 c Mayonnaise

2 tb Lemon juice

1 1/2 ts Tarragon; dried crushd

1/4 ts Salt

1/8 ts Pepper

1 Carrot; shredded

1 Red pepper; chopped

3 Green onions; minced

1 lb Egg Bread; oval loaf unslice

* Boned, skinned and split ** Cut diagnally in 1/2 inch pieces 1. In 13 x 9 x 2-inch microwave-safe baking dish, arrange chicken breasts with thicker portions toward outside. Cover with plastic wrap; turn back one corner to vent. Cook on HIGH 10 minutes, turning chicken over after 5 minutes. Let cool in dish. 2. In medium glass bowl, combine asparagus and water. Cover; vent. Cook on HIGH 3 minutes; drain. Rince with cold water; drain. Set aside. 3. In bowl, whisk mayonnaise with lemon juice, tarragon, salt and pepper until blended. Stir in asparagus, carrot, red pepper and onions. Cut chicken imto 1-inch pieces. Stir into mayonnaise mixture. 4. With serrated knife, cut off a thin slice from top of bread; remove inside (reserve for other use), leaving a 1/2-inch shell. Spoon salad into bread shell, mounding slightly. If desired, garnish with fresh tarragon. To serve, cut into wedges. Makes 8 to 10 servings… MW Tip: To dry fresh herbs in a quick, easy way, line a MW-safe plate w/2 paper towels, one on top of the other. Evenly spread 2 cups of clean, dry leaves or sprigs on towels. Cook herbs on HIGH 4 minutes, turning at least once. Store the dried herbs in a tightly covered container. Source: McCall’s Beat Recipes, 1990, April, Micro-Way…

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