
2 lb Chicken legs and thighs

1 1/2 tb Vegetable oil

1/2 ts Red food color

Salt to taste 1/2 ts Black pepper

1 To 2 – tsp garlic powder

1 md Onion(optional)

1 c Yogurt

1 ts Garam Masala

1/2 Lemon or lime, sliced

Source: MAINPOUL.ZIP (Indian Style) Peel skin off chicken pieces. Make several cuts into each piece. Wash off clean with paper towel. Mix vegetable oil, food color, all spices and onion, if desired into yogurt. Marinate chicken with mixture 4 or 5 hours, overnight for best results. Bake chicken @ 400 degrees 30

minutes. No need to preheat oven. Keep basting with juice occasionally. If there is excess juice, you may spoon out some. Broil chicken 2 to 5 minutes toward the end. Sprinkle with Garam Masala. Garnish with lemon slices and few leaves of cilantro (optional).

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