
1 pk EDEN Udon

-OR- EDEN Lotus Root, — Jinenjo, Buckwheat or — Mugwort Soba 2 tb EDEN Toasted Sesame Oil

-OR- Hot Pepper Sesame Oil 1 pk EDEN Shiitake Mushrooms

-(soaked in… 1 c -hot water for 20 minutes)

1 md Onion; sliced

1 c Carrot

-cut into matchstick pieces 2 c Chinese cabbage or bok choy

— or mustard greens, — finely chopped 3 tb EDEN Organic Shoyu

2 tb Grated fresh ginger

1/3 c EDEN Tamari Almonds, sliced

— (optional) Prepare pasta. Rinse, drain and mix with 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil. Set aside. Reserve shiitake soaking liquid, discard stems and slice shiitake mushrooms caps. Heat oil, saute onion, add carrots, shiitake and soaking liquid. Simmer 5 minutes. Mix in greens, add pasta, shoyu, ginger and almonds. Serve. Cooking: 10 minutes Yield: 5 Servings Copyright 1995 Eden Foods, Inc.

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