
1 pound fettucine — or tagliatelle

6 1/2 ounces prosciutto — or turkey bacon

1 tablespoon canola oil — butter flavored

1 tablespoon virgin olive oil

6 tablespoons basil leaves — shredded

1 large radicchio — head, shredded

salt and pepper — to taste 3 tablespoons asiago Cheese — shavings

PASTA POT – cook pasta until al dente. Drain well. Toss with butter flavored canola. LARGE SKILLET or WOK – Fry prosciutto or bacon until crisp; add a little olive oil, as needed, to prevent sticking.

Option #1: Combine the herb(s), radicchio, cheese, pepper and meat in a serving bowl and toss. Add hot “buttered” pasta and toss. Distribute servings to heated bowls. Top with cheese.

Option #2: Push meat aside in the wok or skillet and stir fry radicchio and herbs for about 3 minutes, until just wilted and the “cranberry” color darkens (“maroon”). Add the pasta to the wok. Toss. Salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to a heated serving bowl. Top with cheese: some shavings, some grated.

VARIATIONS: __Any long stranded pasta. __Harlequin pasta: plain, beet and spinach. __Equal amounts of linguine and angel hair. Note the different cooking times on package. __Shorten the pasta: break length in two. __Equal amounts of fresh basil, or lemon basil and fresh tarragon. __Good quality turkey bacon instead of prosciutto. Cut bacon into squarish pieces; then fry. [patH at mcRecipe 30 Au 96]

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