
1/4 cup oil

2 garlic cloves — minced

or garlic powder — to taste 1 onion — sliced

1 green pepper — sliced

4 ounces mushrooms — sliced

1/2 cup flour — seasoned with

salt and black pepper 2 1/4 pounds round steak — about 1+1/2″ thick

or cube steak 1/2 teaspoon basil

1/2 teaspoon thyme

2 cups tomato puree

1 cup chopped tomatoes — peeled and seeded

Tenderize the steak.

Heat oil in a large skillet or cast iron skillet.

Saute garlic, onion, green pepper and mushrooms until tender.

Flour the meat. Brown in the oil with the vegetables. Add seasonings, tomato puree and tomatoes.

Cover and simmer for 1+1/2 hours over low heat. Add a small amount of water as needed to maintain the steamy-simmer. It will make a thick gravy.

Serve with mashed potatoes and cut green beans.

kitpath@earthlink.net 8/29/98 >mcrecipe

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