
1 8 oz pkg. cream

-cheese,softened 1 6 oz pkg. Corn Tortillas

1/4 c Milk

1 10 oz can mild enchilada

-sauce 2 c Cubed,cooked chicken

3/4 c (6 oz.) container frozen

-avocado dip 1/2 c Sliced green onions

1/4 c Slivered almonds

1/2 c Dairy sour cream

4 oz (1 cup) shredded Monterey

-Jack cheese Sliced radishes or almonds Heat oven to 375 degrees.In a large bowl,combine cream cheese and milk.Stir in chicken,onions,1/4 cup almonds and 1/2 cup Jack cheese. heat tortillas as directed on package.Spoon about 1/4 cup filling down center of each warm tortilla;roll up.Place seam side down in ungreased 13 x 9″ baking dish.Pour enchilada sauce evenly over tortillas;sprinkle with remaining Jack cheese. Bake @ 375 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes or until bubbly.In small bowl,combine avocado dip and sour cream.Spoon over warm enchiladas. Garnish with radishes or almonds. Makes 10 enchiladas.

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