
——————————–POTATO SALAD——————————– 16 md Potatoes

5 Eggs; hard-cooked; chopped

2 1/2 c Pickles, sweet; chopped

2 ts Celery seeds

1 ts Mustard, dry

1 ts Salt

1/4 ts Pepper

Parsley sprigs; opt. ———————————-DRESSING———————————- 3 Egg yolks

1/2 c Sugar

1/2 c Vinegar

2 tb Butter (or marg.)

1 1/2 c Mayonnaise

Peel and quarter potatoes; cook in a Dutch oven in boiling saltedw ater to cover until done. Drain and cool. Cube potatoes; add eggs, pickles, celery seeds, mustard, salt, pepper, and dressing. Stir gently. Refrigerate 24 hours. Garnish with parsley sprigs before serving, if desired. Dressing: Place egg yolks an dsugar in a small saucepan; gradually add vinegar, mixing well. Add butter and place over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Remove from heat, and chill. Add mayonnaise, and mix well. Yield: about 2-1/4 cups SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, July, 1980. Typed for you by Nancy Coleman. Nancy O Notes: Maybe for the diabetic

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