
6 yards hog casings

salt water 2 C. mashed potatoes (not seasoned)

3 Medium onions — finely chopped

3 Lb. lean beef and 3 lb. lean

pork — ground together 2 Tsp. ground allspice

3 Tbsp. salt

1 Tbsp. ground pepper (seasoned pepper is good)

1 Pinch bay leaves — chopped

1 Pinch oregano

1 Pinch powdered cloves

2 1/2 C. beef or pork stock or

2 1/2 C. scalded milk

cooled Crisco 1/2 C. water

Items Needed Before Beginning: kitchen grinder with spout or sausage machine scissors heavy thread or light twine

Get hog casings from your butcher. You may need to order them ahead of time. Pick up casings the day before you make the sausage and soak them overnight in a mild salt brine in your refrigerator. Rinse with cold water before using. Make mashed potatoes (packaged are fine). Chop onions finely and saute in a little Crisco. Do not let brown. Cool. Mix very thoroughly meat, mashed potatoes, onions, allspice, salt, pepper, bay leaves, oregano, powdered cloves and stock. Put a little vegetable oil on spout of grinder or sausage machine. Fry a pinch of mixture in Crisco to test the flavor. Add more seasonings if you need them. Flavor of allspice is important but should be subtle. Mixture should be light. Add more stock if needed. Rinse casings in cold water and cut into 16-inch pieces (approximately). Tie one end of each section. Fill grinder or sausage machine with meat mixture. Ease end of casing (about 2 inches) onto spout. Turn handle slowly. Stop turning 1 1/2 inches from end of casing. Don’t pack sausage casing too tightly. Remove from spout and tie second end. Put in Baggies and freeze or refrigerate in a mild salt brine with Saltpeter, not more than 4 or 5 days. To cook, defrost and set oven at 250 degrees. In an open shallow pan, put 2 tablespoons of Crisco and 1/2 cup water (or just 1/2 cup water). Place sausages in pan and cook for 45 minutes. Turn once to brown evenly. At the end of 45 minutes, if not completely browned, turn heat to 350 degrees, but watch sausages so as not to burn them. For dinner, cut in 1 1/2-inch pieces. Serve warm. A side dish of cranberries goes well. They are great as one dish for a buffet. For hors d’oeuvres, cut in 1/2-inch pieces and serve warm, using cocktail picks.

Variations: You may use all pork with the mashed potatoes. You may use 4 pounds of ground beef and 2 pounds of pork, ground together. Instead of mashed potatoes, take 2 cups of barley and stir in hot water. Cook as you would a hot cereal until tender (about 30 minutes). Let cool before adding to meat. These sausages are delicious and ready for company. Note: My husband, our children, Grandmother Jones, who started it all, and I have fun early in December preparing these for the holidays.

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