
Cabbage Filling: 1/4 c Rice

1 c Water

1 c Milk

1/3 lb Ground beef

1/4 lb Sausage or ground pork

1 Egg

1 1/3 c Milk or cream

1 1/2 ts Salt

1/4 ts White pepper

Cut core out of cabbage. Blanch cabbage in salted water ( 2 tsp. per qt. water ) till leafs seperate. Remove stem. Cook rice in water till water is just gone then add milk and finish cooking. Mix meat, egg, milk, salt, and white pepper together. Take a cabbage leaf and place 2 tablespoons of meat mixture on one end and pull sides over center and roll. Brown cabbage rolls in 2 tablespoons of butter and brown sugar. Turn over and brown and then place in roasting pan. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Deglaze skillet and add to pan. Cover with water and a little bouilion. Bake for 1 – 1 1/2 hrs. at 350 degrees. Arrange on platter. Make sauce by putting 1 1/2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste and 1/2 cup cream with pan juices. cook till thick and pour over rolls.

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