
6 Green peppers

1 c Olive oil

2 Onions, chopped

1 tb Parsley, chopped

1 ts Marjoram

2 ts Salt

1/2 ts Pepper

4 Tomatoes, chopped

2 c Cooked rice

2 tb Chopped walnuts

Wash peppers & cut off & retain the tops. Remove seed & pulp & discard. Heat oil in a pan & gently fry the onion for 2 minutes. Sprinkle on the herbs & salt & pepper. Add tomatoes & fry together for 2 minutes. Add cooked rice & nuts & fry together for 2 minutes. Fill each pepper with the cooked filling. Place on a baking sheet & put on the caps. Pour a little oil on each & bake at 375F until the peppers are browned. Jack Santa Maria, “Greek Vegetarian Cookery”

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