
3 T Margarine or butter

1 lb Round steak, cut

-into thin strips 1/2 c Chopped onion

4 oz Sliced mushrooms, drained

1/4 t Dry mustard

1/2 t Salt

1/4 t Pepper

8 oz Cream cheese, cubed

2/3 c Milk

Hot parsleyed noodles 1. Place 3 tablespoons butter or margarine in a deep, 2-quart,

heat-resistant, non-metallic casserole. Melt in Microwave Oven 30 seconds. 2. Add steak strips to butter and heat, uncovered, in Microwave Oven 10

minutes or until meat is browned. 3. Add onion, mushrooms and seasoning to meat. Heat, uncovered, in Microwave Oven 4 minutes. 4. Add cubed cream cheese and milk to meat mixture and heat, uncovered, in Microwave Oven 4 minutes or until cheese melts. Stir occasionally. Serve over hot parsleyed noodles.

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