
1/2 cup Port wine — (good quality)

3/4 cup Water

1 lg Strawberry gelatin

10 ounces Frozen sliced strawberries

2 teaspoons Lemon juice

3 ounces Cream cheese

1 tablespoon Milk

1 Pie shell — baked 9″

Whipped cream

Heat Port and water to simmering. Remove from heat; add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Drop in frozen block of strawberries and let thaw, breaking up block with fork to hasten process; add lemon juice. Chill until mixture begins to thicken. Meantime, whip cream cheese and milk together with fork; spread evenly over bottom of pie shell. Pour in partially thickened gelatin mixture; chill several hours or overnight until firm. Garnish with whipped cream before serving.

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