
6 Sheets, frozen puff pastry

– dough, thawed 4 tb Powdered sugar

2 pt Strawberries

——————————VANILLA CUSTARD—————————— 1 Vanilla bean

1 c Half-and-half

3 Egg yolks

2 tb Granulated sugar

1/2 c Whipping cream

1. Roll each sheet of dough out to about 12-by-6 inches. If desired, sift

powdered sugar over counter before rolling. Cut each sheet into 4 even pieces. 2. Cover baking sheets with waxed paper. Place dough on prepared sheet.

Prick with a fork. Sift powdered sugar over dough. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 3. Bake dough at 425 for about 5 minutes. Increase temperature to 450 and

bake for another 3 to 5 minutes until pastries are light, golden and puffed. Let cool on wire rack. 4. Split vanilla bean open lengthwise. Place in a heavy saucepan. Add

half-and-half. Bring to a boil. Cook over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. Remove vanilla bean. 5. In a bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar until smooth and creamy. Add a

little hot half-and-half, whisking. Pour this mixture back into saucepan. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly until thick and creamy. Do not boil or custard will curdle. 6. Remove custard sauce from heat. Beat until smooth. Whip cream until

soft peaks form. Add to vanilla custard. Spread over half of the baked pastries. Cover with sliced strawberries. Top with second half of pastries. Dust with powdered sugar. Serve.

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