
2 tb Margarine;

1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs;

8 oz Low-fat cottage cheese;

1/3 c Evaporated skim milk *;

1 1/2 tb Unflavored gelatin;

-(1 1/2 pk) 2 tb Sugar, divided

1/2 c Orange juice;

1/2 ts Orange; rind grated

2 Egg; whites

1/8 ts Salt

2 tb Water

1 c Strawberries; crushed

(ER note) Crush fresh strawberries, or thaw frozen unsweetened. For 1/3 cup evaporated milk, you can place a scant 2 tb. powdered skim

milk in a measuring cup and fill with liquid milk up to 1/3 mark. Preheat oven to 400 F. Melt margarine in 9 inch pan. Add crumbs, mix. Press mixture over bottom of pan. Bake 5 to 7 minutes. Cool. Sieve cottage cheese or puree in blender. Add milk and stir until smooth. Chill. In saucepan, mix 1 1/2 tb gelatin and 1 tb sugar. Add juice and rind. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from heat. Let stand at room temperature. In medium bowl beat egg whites with salt until stiff. Fold in gelatin and cottage cheese. Pour over crumbs. Refrigerate until set before adding glaze. GLAZE Mix remaining gelatin (1/2 Tb) with water and 1 tb sugar. Heat until gelatin is dissolved. Stir in strawberries. Pour mixture over cheesecake and spread with spatula. Refrigerate until firm. 1/8 recipe, 120 calories, 1/2 starch, 1 lean meat, 1/2 fruit exchange

7.8 gm protein, 4.1 gm fat, 13.4 gm carbohydrate, 253.6 mg sodium,

207.2 mg potassium, 1.2 gm fiber, 3 mg cholesterol.

Source: Am. Diabetes Association, Family Cookbook Vol 1, 1987 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier, Nov 93

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