
———————————1ST LAYER——————————— 2 pk 3 oz.sugar-freelemon Jell-o;

-(prepared) 2 dr Green food coloring;

-Few drops 20 oz Can crushed pineapple;

-in own juice; drained ———————————2ND LAYER——————————— 1 pk 8 oz. lite cream cheese;

-softened 1 pk Lite Dream Whip*; make with

-skim milk ———————————3RD LAYER——————————— 1 c Pineapple juice; unsweetened

2 tb Flour;

2 Egg yolks;

16 pk Equal sweetener;

*May use 8 oz. Lite Cool Whip. Mix Jell-o, food coloring, and drained pineapple. Pour into a 9 x 13-inch pan and chill until firm. Blend the cream cheese and Dream

Whip together. Spread over chilled Jell-o layer. Chill. Cook third layer ingredients until thick; then cool. Drop by spoonfuls over second layer and spread carefully. Keep chilled until ready to serve. Nutrients per serving: Equal, Calories 114, Fat 5 g, Cholesterol 42 mg, Carbohydrate 12 g, Sodium 129 mg. Exchanges: Fruit 1, Fat 1/2. Source: “There IS Life after Lettuce” by Pepper Durcholz, Alberta Gentry, and Carolyn Williamson, M.S. Formatted for Meal-Master by Joyce Burton.

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