
2 sl Bread

Creamy peanut butter 2 lg Marshmallows

———————————–TOOLS———————————– Butter knife Plate Spread each slice of bread with peanut butter. Using clean fingers, pull apart marshmallows into many tiny spit-wad-sized pieces. Press the marshmallow wads onto the peanut butter. Put together, wad sides facing, and enjoy. Serves 1 who loves spit wads. Sicko serving suggestion: Make spit wad place cards for your next sit down affair! Write guests names on torn pieces of notebook paper with a pencil. Place a small amount of vegetable oil in a bowl and dippaper pieces into it until completely covered. Crumple papers into balls and From the Book: Gross Grub by Cheryl Porter Random House ISBN 0-679-86693-0

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