
1 lb Spinach, cleaned, patted

Dry, torn into pieces Sliced raw mushrooms, (as Much as you can afford!) 6 Slices bacon, fried,

Drained, and crumbled 6 Hardboiled eggs, chilled

And sliced Radishes, one bag, sliced, (again, as many as you have) 1 Sliced red onion, optional

———————————-DRESSING———————————- 1/2 pt Sour cream

3 tb Lemon juice

1 Envelope Good Seasons GARLIC

CHEESE dressing mix (no Substitution on this one) Mix the dressing ingredients, let stand while you prepare the other ingredients. Toss and serve. This recipe is one of the most requested I have. SOURCE: National Cooking Echo 04/19/90 Contributed to the echo by: Ellen Cleary I used to make this when I had to serve a BIG crowd, or take something to a potluck. Warning, the dressing, all by itself, tastes FAR too garlicky. Somehow it works when all mixed, tho. And the salad keeps very well, a good make-ahead…up to 12 hours ahead or so:

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