
2 tb Olive oil

1 sm Clove garlic, crushed

1/4 ts Black pepper

1 tb Parmesan cheese

1 lb Frozen puff pastry, thawed

10 oz Frozen chopped spinach

-thawed 1/2 lb Coarsely grated swiss cheese

1/4 lb Prosciutto, thinly sliced

1 c Ripe black olives, sliced

1 tb Cold water

A pastry turnover encasing a spinach, cheese, olive, and prosciutto filling, baked until golden. 1. Mix together the oil, garlic, black pepper, and

Parmesan. Cover and marinate for 2 to 3 hours. 2. Roll out the puff pastry on a floured board to form

a rectangle 12×20- inches. (Pinch any seams together so that you essentially have one large piece of dough.) Chill for 30 minutes. 3. Squeeze the spinach of all its liquid. Spread the

spinach down the center of the length of the dough forming a layer 4 inches wide and extending to within 1-inch of either end.

4. Cover the spinach with half of the Swiss cheese.

Blanket the cheese with even layers of prosciutto. Spoon the marinade over the ham. 5. Sprinkle the remainder of the Swiss cheese over the

prosciutto. Top everything with black olives. 6. Fold the dough like a turnover, overlapping the

sides. Crimp the ends together firmly to seal. Place seam side down on an ungreased baking sheet. (Up to this point may be prepared 2 to 4 hours in advance and refrigerated. Return to room temperature to bake.) 7. Beat the egg and water together. Brush the pastry

with the egg wash. This gives the loaf a golden glaze when baked. 8. Bake in a preheated 350F degrees oven for 30

minutes. Transfer to a platter, cut into 1 and 1/2-inch wide slices, and serve immediately.

6 portions

Source(including opening narrative): The Uncommon Gourmet by Ellen Helman

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