
1/2 Lb. spinach

1 Tbsp. butter — melted

8 Slices bacon — cooked and crumbled

4 eggs — beaten

1/2 Tsp. salt

1 Dash nutmeg

1 onion — chopped

1/4 C. chopped pecans

1 C. shredded Cheddar or Swiss cheese

2 C. half and half

1 Dash pepper

9 Inch quiche shell

Prepare quiche shell; bake at 450 degrees for 5 minutes. Combine all ingredients. Pour into baked quiche shell. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes. Bake until knife inserted off center comes out clean, 5 to 10 minutes more. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. (Makes One 9-Inch Pie)

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