
1 lb Fresh tofu

1/4 c Cornmeal

1/4 c Light vegegetable oil

1 ts Molasses

1/4 ts Savory

2 ts Oregano

1 Garlic clove

1/4 c Whole wheat flour

1/2 c Wheat germ

2 tb Soy sauce

1/2 ts Ground fennel

1/4 ts Powdered sage

1/2 ts Allspice

3 ts Dijon mustard

Mash tofu in a large bowl. Add remaining ingredients, mix well with fork or by hand. Pack into small oiled casserole dish; cover with two or three paper towels. Steam 25 to 35 minutes on a rack inside a covered pot with water on stove or in a pan of water in the oven at 375 degrees. Top will brown slightly. Cool before removing from dish. Steaming blends flavors. Stores up to two weeks in fridge. Ingredients to make 2 1/2 cups: Posted 05-15-93 by JAY STEVENS on VEGETARIAN CUISINE MM by QBTOMM and Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator at net/node 004/005

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