
1 c Water

1/4 c Vinegar

1 sm Cinnamon stock

1 sm Piece fresh ginger

4 Cloves

Noncal. sweetener to taste 4 c Pumpkin, cubed

Recipe from East Germany. High in Vitamin A. In a saucepan, combine ingredients except pumpkin and boil for a few minutes. Peel, seed and cube the pumpkin (save seeds to roast for a snack). Drop the pumpkin cubes into the saucepan with spices. Cook gently until fork-tender, stirring frequently. Divide into 4 equal servings. Serve warm or cold. 1 serving, 63 calories, 1 starch/bread exchange 16 grams carbohydrate, 2 gm

protein, fat negligible, 3 gm fiber 395 mg potassium, 9 mg sodium, 0 cholesterol Source: Diabetic Cooking from Around the World by Vilma L. Chantiles 1989 ISBN 0-06-016057-8 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier, Nov 93.

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