
1 1/2 c Unsifted powdered sugar

2 tb Cornstarch

1 ts Cinnamon

3/4 ts Cloves

1/4 ts Allspice

1/8 ts Salt

2 tb Freshly grated orange peel.

2 Egg whites, slightly beaten

3 tb Freshley squeezed orange

-juice 2 c Walnut or pecan halves

From: Arizona Cookbook Sift together sugar, cornstarch, spices and salt. Stir in grated peel. Blend egg whites with orange juice; stir in nuts, coating each half completely. Drain thoroughly. Then roll in sugar mixture to coat well. Spread on cookie sheet. Do not allow nuts to touch. Bake at 250 for 20 to 25 minutes (or until dry). Cool before storing in container.

This sounds like a recipe that would make a good Christmas gift!

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