
1 md Onion, chopped

2 Cloves garlic, crushed

2 ts Garam masala

1 ts Ground coriander

1 ts Turmeric

1/2 ts Chilli powder

1 cn (1.5 cups?) green lentils,

-drained 1 cn (same size) chopped

-tomatoes 2 pt Vegetable stock

1.Saute onions and garlic in a little of the stock until soft 2.Mix all the

spices with a little water to make a paste and add to the onions. Cook for 2-3 mins 3.Add lentils, tomatoes and stock, cover and simmer for 30-35 mins

grove@viper.uk.tele.nokia.fi (Paddy Grove) From Fatfree Digest April-May 1994, Formatting by Sue Smith (using MMCONV)

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