
1 1/2 lb Chicken wings, cut-up into

-segments at joints. ———————————-MARINADE———————————- ———————————A MIXTURE——————————— 2 tb Soy sauce

1 ts Sugar

1 tb Sherry wine

A few gratings of fresh -ginger 2 ts Hoisin sauce

1 Clove garlic, minced

1/4 ts Sesame oil

1 ts Salt

ds MSG (optional) ———————————B MIXTURE——————————— 2 Eggs

1/2 c Cornstarch

1/2 c Flour

Oil for deep frying Lettuce leaves, shredded Green onion, Chinese parsley and cashew nuts, all chopped, for garnish This is one of the better deep-fried chicken recipes I’ve found. It calls for chicken wings, but I used a whole chicken, cut up Chinese style and just increased the marinade ingredients a tad. Serve this with side dishes of hoisin sauce, spiced salt (toasted salt mixed with black pepper about half and half), hot mustard and chili oil along with a bowl of finely chopped scallions. Dip piece of chicken into the dip of your choice, then into the scallions and enjoy! Ice cold beer goes great with this dish. Oh yeah++steamed rice too… Be sure to use the dark, toasted sesame oil rather than the health food store stuff. 1. Soak cut-up chicken in marinade ingredients A for 1 hour. Mix

ingredients B into bowl with marinated chicken. Stir well. Will be very sticky and stiff to mix. 2. Heat 2 inches oil in wok to 375F. Drop batter covered chicken

piece by piece carefully into hot oil. Do not fill wok too full of chicken or it will take too long to brown. Should take only 5 minutes to cook through. Result will be crispy golden brown chicken pieces. 3. Drain on paper towels. Place on platter lined with lettuce

shreds. 4. Garnish if desired with chopped green onions, Chinese parsley and

cashew nuts. From “Quick and Easy Gourmet Wok Cooking” by Kay Shimizu. Shufunotomo Co. Ltd., Tokyo. 1973. Distributed in the U.S. by Japan Publications Trading Co. 1255 Howard St., S.F., Ca. 94103. ISBN 0-87040-245-5.

Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; July 11 1991.

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