
1 tb Chopped fresh or 1 ts

-Dried oregano leaves 1 tb Chopped fresh or 1 ts

-Dried basil leaves 2 ts Chopped fresh or 1/2 ts

-Dried marjoram leaves 1 t Sugar

1/2 ts Salt

1 lg Onion, chopped (about 1 cup)

1 Cl Garlic, crushed

1 cn (16 ounces) whole

-Tomatoes, undrained 1 cn (8 ounces) tomato sauce

-Meatballs 4 c Hot cooked spaghetti

Mix all ingredients except Meatballs and spaghetti in 3-quart saucepan; break up tomatoes. Heat to boiling;

reduce heat. Cover and simmer 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.Prepare Meatballs; drain. Stir meatballs into tomato mixture. Cover and simmer 30 minutes longer, stirring occasiona Serve over spaghetti and, if desired, with Parmesan cheese.

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