
1 teaspoon Cornmeal

1 Can pillsbury all ready

1/2 cup Tomato sauce

1/2 teaspoon Chili powder

1/2 cup Each:diced green and re

1 Can green chilies — drain

1 Pkg. shredded colby and

1/2 cup Chopped cilantro

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. co nmeal onto bottom of

a greased 10 x 15″ jelly roll pan.Spread dough into pan.Bake 5 minutes.Remove from oven.Spread with combined tomato sauce and chili powder;top with bell peppers,chilies and cheese tossed with cilantro.Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

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