
—–SALLIE KRATZ NXMB21A—– 1/2 cup Milk — warm

2 teaspoons Sugar

1 package Dry yeast

2 1/2 cups All-purpose flour — sifted

1/2 teaspoon -salt

1/2 teaspoon Baking soda

3/4 cup Sourdough starter

1/2 cup Butter

<<<OR>>> 1/2 cup Shortening

1 cup Cheese; shredded — I used


Dissolve yeast in warm milk to which sugar has been added. Mix remaining dry ingredints in medum bowl, cut in butter with pastry cutter to resemble cornmeal. Mix in 1 cup shredded cheese. Bleand starter into dissolved yeast and stir all lightly into flour mixture until ball just forms. Roll out 1/2-inch thick on well-floured board, flouring top as needed just to keep from sticking to rolling pin. Cut out and quickly place on buttered baking pan, barely touching. (work fast, they get sticky quickly). Put in draft-free place to rise, for about 1 hour or in refrigerator for about 4 hours. Bake at 425~ for 25 minutes until nicely browned. Serve warm with butter. ENJOY ENJOY… SALlie… Comment before posting note: Another sourdough starter goodie…Created by Kyllikki Fuller…who was one of the best Sourdough teachers! She was the one who really helped me nurse that starter from day one… MM Format: Norma Wrenn npxr56b

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