
2 c Fresh corn kernels

1 c Cubed cooked chicken or

-turkey 1 c Diced or coarsely shredded

-smoked cheese (Vermont -cheddar or Gouda) 1/2 c Sliced ripe olives

1/4 c Chopped sweet red onion

1/4 c Diced red bell pepper

1/2 c Light mayonnaise

1/2 c Light sour cream

Salt to taste Freshly ground black pepper -to taste This one’s especially good stuffed into pita pockets or scooped-out ripe tomatoes. Steam kernels until tender-crisp. Cool. Mix with chicken, cheese, olives, onion and red bell pepper. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, salt and pepper. Fold into corn mixture. Chill several hours to combine flavors.

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