
2 T Water

1 T Cider vinegar

1 T Vegetarian worcestershire

Sauce 1 1/2 t Sugar

1 1/4 t Salt

1/2 t Crumbled oregano

1/4 t Dry mustard

1/2 lb Fresh green beans, cut into

2 Inch lengths

1/2 lb Button mushrooms, halved

2 md Zucchini, sliced

2 Tomatoes, cut in wedges

Combine first 7 ingredients in pan and heat to a boil. Add beans and return to boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and zucchini; cover and simmer 3 minutes. Add tomatoes; cover and simmer 1 minute. Serve hot. To serve cold, do not cook tomatoes. Cover and refrigerate after cooking other ingredients, adding tomatoes just before serving. Source: While I was on vacation in Illinois, my stepmother made this delicious dish for me. Posted by Debbie=Thomson%Mkt=Comm%PCMkt=Hou@bangate.compaq.com to the Fatfree Digest [Volume 16 Issue 19] Mar. 23, 1995. Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue Smith, SueSmith9@aol.com using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of Karen Mintzias, km@salata.com. 1.80?


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