
3 md Eggplant

Olive oil 4 sm Celery stalks, diced

4 tb Tomato sauce

4 tb White vinegar

1/2 ts Honey

4 ea Green olives, halved

4 ea Black olives, halved

4 tb Capers

1 tb Pine nuts

1/2 ts Black pepper

Salt Cube eggplant, but don’t peel. Fry in olive oil in a skillet. In another skillet, fry the celery till it begins to brown & then add to eggplant. Pour tomato sauce into the empty skillet & mix in the vinegar, honey, olives, capers & pine nuts. Stir. As soon as they are blended, pour over eggplant, add salt & pepper & simmer 10 minutes. Add water if needed.Stir often. Allow to cool & ten serve. Vera Gewanter, “A Passion for Vegetables”

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