
1 c Rice,uncooked

1 1/2 c Chicken broth

3 tb Butter or margarine

1 Bay leaf

3/4 ts Salt

1/4 ts Tarragon,crushed

1/8 ts Paprika

1/2 c Onion,chopped

1 Garlic clove,minced/pressed

1/4 lb Mushrooms,fresh,sliced

1 1/2 lb Shrimp,medium-size

1 cn Artichoke hearts(14oz)

4 Tomatoes,med,fresh,wedged

2 tb Lemon juice,fresh

1/4 c Parsley,chopped

1. Combine in a medium-size saucepan rice, broth 1 tablespoon butter,

bay leaf, salt, tarragon and paprika; bring to a rolling boil. 2. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 12 to 15 minutes, or until all

liquid is absorbed. 3. Remove from heat; let stand, covered, 10 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, melt the remaining butter in a skillet.

5. Add onion and garlic; cook until almost tender.

6. Add mushrooms; cook 1 to 2 minutes.

7. Stir in shrimp, artichoke hearts and tomatoes; drain.

8. Remove bay leaf from rice; fluff rice with fork.

9. Add rice, lemon juice and parsley to shrimp mixture; spoon into

buttered 1 1/2-quart casserole. 10. Keep hot in preheated 300’F. oven until ready to serve; allow 12

to 15 minutes.

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